Milestones Did you know that Zhang Liyin has recognized Chocolyn as one of her fansites on various occasions? Check it out! November 2008LEFT: Chocolyn’s Sing Speak Support project in 2008. RIGHT: Zhang Liyin wearing the sweater at the airport on November 16th, 2008. December 2008Zhang Liyin wore the sweater again at the airport on December 18th, 2009! May 2009LEFT: Chocolyn’s birthday project for February 2009. RIGHT: Zhang Liyin using our Coach wristlet on May 2nd, 2009. November 2009LEFT: Chocolyn’s 3rd debut anniversary project “090909” for September 9th, 2009. RIGHT: Zhang Liyin wearing the sweater at the airport on November 12th, 2009 August 2010LEFT: Chocolyn’s birthday project for February 2010. RIGHT: Zhang Liyin wearing the blue American Eagle shirt in a selfie posted August 16th, 2010. August 2012Zhang Liyin’s mother posted a Weibo message saying they received Chocolyn’s birthday gifts in August 2012. June 2013LEFT: Chocolyn’s Sing Speak Support project in 2008. RIGHT: Zhang Liyin’s friend Sonha posted a photo of Liyin wearing the shirt on June 16th, 2013. August 2014 Our Chocolyn staff member meets Zhang Liyin in person! September 2014September 15th, 2014: Zhang Liyin signed autographs onto some “Agape” promotional CDs for her fansites, and posted a photo of them onto her official Weibo. Chocolyn was one of the five fansites! October 2014LEFT: Chocolyn’s 8th debut anniversary project for September 2014; collaboration with Liyin0909 and OhMyLiyin. RIGHT: Zhang Liyin wearing the wine-coloured sweater at a hotpot outing with Mpire member Red, posted October 10th, 2014. October 2014LEFT: Chocolyn’s 8th debut anniversary project for September 2014; collaboration with Liyin0909 and OhMyLiyin. RIGHT: Zhang Liyin wearing the wine-coloured sweater and the black leather skirt at the airport on October 19th, 2014. January 2015Zhang Liyin likes our Weibo post that reports on Liyin’s portrait appearing on “I Am A Singer”. May 2016Zhang Liyin wears our leather skirt gift again; this time in a photoshoot she shares on Weibo.