On April 20, Zhang Liyin joined Super Junior and EXO-M at Best of Best in Nanjing. She sang a total of three songs at the event: “Set Me Free”, “Y (Why…)”, and the duet with EXO member Chen, “Breath”.

Liyin looked absolutely stunning this evening. For once, her stylist didn’t style her in a dress that was black or white. Instead, she was dressed in a lovely grey-ish dress, tied together by a thin black belt. It went well with her hair colour!

Like most concerts, this one ended with a closing greeting where the artists came out to say goodbye to the audience. At this time, Liyin stood next to Crayon Pop during this segment. You can watch Liyin appear on stage starting from 19:47 in this video. Crayon Pop members were very respectful to Liyin, bowing repeatedly during the closing segment. Super Junior-M member Zhou Mi also made an effort to speak to Liyin, walking over to her side of the stage to say hello. Shindong later joined Zhou Mi on that side of the stage as well.

We have included a long list of fancam videos in this article. Check them out!



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“Set Me Free”, “Y (Why..)”, “Breath”

“Set Me Free”

“Y (Why…)”



Anaïs has been a fan of Zhang Liyin since 2008 when she heard Zhang Liyin's "Timeless" for the first time. From that point on, she joined Chocolyn and took an active part in all kinds of fan projects to support Zhang Liyin. Anaïs is also a passionate moviegoer. She particularly likes Amy Adams and Vivien Leigh. Obsessed with musicals, she is able to quote any Sondheim lyrics.

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